Corporate Counsel, Intellectual Property job in Austin, CA| Recruit Arrow
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Corporate Counsel, Intellectual Property
Location : California, Austin
Refer job # TJNY340639
Job Responsibilities and Requirements: Corp Counsel's responsibilities will include, in cooperation with AMD Assistant General Counsel and/or AMD VP, IP & Licensing, supporting the patent monetization efforts of AMD. In addition to working on the development of various programs and projects related to patent monetization, this role will also include the development of financial and resource models providing oversight and management of the monetization efforts generally. Other key responsibilities: Perform product analysis including sourcing of relevant 3rd party products, and the preparation of legal and technical analysis of AMD s patents related to these products Identify, qualify and coordinate analysis work with outside labs and services providers Deliver relevant data to document evidence of use for selected technologies Provide competitive product analysis results Perform landscape analysis to understand relevant markets and products Develop robust resource and financial models associated with individual projects and their integration into AMD s overall patent monetization efforts. Qualifications: BSEE or higher degree with experience related SoC applications and systems; MBA strongly preferrred LLB or JD with experience with a major law firm or technology company Demonstrated experience to perform product analysis at the IC and system level Ability to quickly understand and evaluate new technologies & products Assessment of legal risks in business context and offer practical solutions Demonstrated understanding of IP and/or technology licensing business models Technical acumen in patented technologies developed by AMD Ability to communicate and express your opinions and bases for those opinions Excellent analytical and problem solving skills, business judgment and strategic legal thinking Ability to work effectively as a team member.
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