Vice President, Commercial Banker job in Seattle, WA| Recruit Arrow
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Vice President, Commercial Banker
Location : Washington, Seattle
Refer job # MSGF338965
Job Responsibilities and Requirements: Position Description: Primary role is working towards the growth and retention of existing profitable relationships within the Middle Market (companies with sales size between $20 - $500MM), as well as the acquisition of new clients. Incumbent carries heavy new business development goals and is expected to work independently. Incumbent seeks opportunities to cross sell into every relationship and anticipates the future needs of the client. Incumbent should have proven client relationship skills as well as product knowledge, technical expertise, and strong transaction execution skills. Qualifications Job Requirements: As a Commercial Banker in Middle Market & Specialized Industries, your primary role as an individual contributor will be to grow and retain profitable relationships within the middle market segment. You will not be responsible for managing less experienced staff, but rather focusing on generating revenues. This is accomplished by focusing on the delivery of value added solutions to our clients and prospects that will help them reach their goals and maximize our revenues over the life of the relationship. You will orchestrate the interfacing with clients by credit support staff and product partners. You will develop a weekly sales plan prioritizing most promising revenue generating sales opportunities and be responsible for cultivating referral sources, institutionalization of relationships and aggressive calling (bankers should average 5-10 in person calls and at least 10 contacts via phone, mail or e-mail to clients and prospects per week). You will also seek opportunities to cross sell into every relationship and anticipate the future needs of the client. Bachelor's degree or equivalent. Minimum of 7 years of direct lending and credit support related experience. Good problem solving, oral, and written communication skills. Extensive knowledge of commercial banking products and services. Top individual contributor. Formal bank credit training program. Possesses strong creative solution and problem solving skills. Ability to mobilize internal networks and resources.
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This particular job is currently not active. However, since our clients regularly share with us similar and other job openings, we strongly recommend that you submit your resume. We shall review your resume and get in touch with you as soon as a suitable vacancy comes up to further discuss your interest in exploring the opportunity.Assisting you is our highest priority.

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